57. Media and social media platforms finally begin to embrace their roles as democratic gatekeepers (Daniel Kreiss)
58. Did social media make us more or less politically unequal in 2020? (Dan Lane, Nancy Molina-Rogers)
59. Platform transparency in the fight against disinformation (Valerie Belair-Gagnon, Bente Kalsnas, Lucas Graves and Oscar Westlund)
60. Why Trump’s determination to sow doubt about data undermines democracy (Alfred Hermida)
61. A banner year for advertising and a look at differences across platforms (Markus Neumann, Jielu Yao, Spencer Dean, and Erika Franklin Fowler)
62. How Joe Biden conveyed empathy (Dorian Davis)
63. The debates and the election conversation on Twitter (G.R. Boynton, Glenn W. Richardson)
64. Did the economy, COVID-19, or Black Lives Matter to the Senate candidates in 2020? (Heather K. Evans, Rian F. Moore)
65. Leadership through showmanship: Trump’s ability to coin nicknames for opponents on Twitter (Marco Morini)
66. Election countdown: Instagram’s role in visualizing the 2020 campaign (Terri L. Towner & Caroline L. Munoz)
67. Candidates did lackluster youth targeting on Instagram (John Parmelee)
68. College students, political engagement and Snapchat in the 2020 general election (Laurie L. Rice and Kenneth W. Moffett)
69. Advertising on Facebook: transparency, but not transparent enough (Jennifer Stromer-Galley, Patricia Rossini, Brian McKernan, and Jeff Hemsley)
70. Detecting emotions in Facebook political ads with computer vision (Michael Bossetta & Rasmus Schmøkel)