20. A divided America guarantees the longevity of Trumpism (Panos Koliastasis and Darren Lilleker)
21. Cartographic perspectives of the 2020 U.S. election (Ben Hennig)
22. Vote Switching From 2016 to 2020 (Diana Mutz and Sam Wolken)
23. It’s the democracy, stupid (Petros Ioannidis and Elias Tsaousakis)
24. Election in a time of distrust (John Rennie Short)
25. Polarization before and after the 2020 election (Barry Richards)
26. The political psychology of Trumpism (Richard Perloff)
27. White evangelicals and white born again Christians in 2020 (Ryan Claassen)
28. Angry voters are (often) misinformed voters (Brian Weeks)
29. A Black, Latinx, and Independent alliance: 2020 (Omar Ali)
30. Believing Black women (Lindsey Meeks)
31. The sleeping giant awakens: Latinos in the 2020 election (Lisa Sanchez)
32. Trump won the senior vote because they thought he was best on the economy – not immigration (Peter McLeod)
33. Did German Americans again support Donald Trump? (Per Urlaub & David Huenlich)